CLICK HEREPurchasing occurred by the help of YAHOO.COMFor other BOOKS on TUPACclick Here2Pac poemThe Rose That Grew from Concrete (autobiographical)Did u hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete Proving nature's laws wrong it learned 2 walk without having feet Funny it seems but by keeping its dreams it learned 2 breathe fresh air Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else even cared! Sometimes I Cry Sometimes when I'm alone I cry because I'm on my own The tears I cry R bitter and warm They flow with life but take no form I cry because my heart is torn and I find it difficult 2 carry on If I had an ear 2 confide in I would cry among my treasured friends But who do u know that stops that long to help another carry on The world moves fast and it would rather pass u by than 2 stop and c what makes u cry It's painful and sad and sometimes I cry and no one cares about why. The Shining Star Within (Dedicated 2 Marilyn Monroe)Secrets R hidden within the clouds of Darkness, And in this place no one Dares 2 Breathe in Fear of self-expression It has been this way forever and a day until she came 2 shine with a spark of innocence and questions only 2 be answered with Darkness Not just Darkness but the silent kind that steals your soul and kills your mind There was no compassion for this thriving star only exploitations and confused jealousy u saw no hope and brought the end Never acknowledging the star within Starry Night |